February 29, 2024

What Should I Avoid After a Georgia Slip-and-Fall Accident?

If you slip or fall and sustain an injury on someone else’s premises, you may be able to seek compensation for your damages. How you respond to the accident will greatly determine the strength of your case. 

Six Common Mistakes in Georgia Slip-and-Fall Cases 

Slip-and-fall accidents are often shocking and traumatizing. Your first instinct may be to leave the premises, though doing so can destroy your case. Here are the common mistakes in Georgia slip-and-fall cases:

1. Failing To Collect Evidence 

Numerous hazards may have caused your accident, like a water spill that the property manager or owner failed to clean up or rope off in a timely manner. If you don’t take photos of this right after your accident, the evidence will be gone by the time an injury attorney in Georgia can visit the location and take pictures. 

Take photos of the scene and everything relating to your accident, including your injuries, clothing, shoes, etc. Later, your Georgia slip-and-fall attorney can request additional evidence, like video footage. 

2. Leaving the Premises Without Filing a Report

Many people fail to notify the property manager or owner of their accident before leaving the premises. You must tell the on-staff manager about your injury so they can file a report. 

After they file a report, ask for a copy so you can give the evidence to your slip-and-fall lawyer in Georgia. If they refuse to give you a copy, you can take note of this for future reference.

3. Not Seeking Medical Treatment 

Right after the accident, your adrenaline may mask some of your pain, causing you to underplay your injury. If you wait too long to visit a doctor, the at-fault party could claim that your injury occurred sometime after the fall. 

Seek medical treatment as soon as possible, even if you feel mostly OK. Be sure to follow all recommended treatments from your doctor and maintain all medical records. 

4. Releasing Statements to the At-Fault Party or Their Insurer

At the time of the fall, the property manager or owner may ask you prying questions about your injury or why you fell. Even weeks later, their insurer may call you asking similar questions. Answering any of these questions with definitive answers can ruin your case in court. 

Instead, respond with vague statements, like “I cannot answer until I’ve received a confirmed diagnosis” or “I would prefer to respond after I consult my attorney.” 

5. Posting About the Case Online

You must never post about your case on social media, as that information could come back to bite you in court. 

6. Accepting Settlements Without Consulting Your Attorney

The at-fault party’s insurer may offer initial settlements that can sound appealing until you calculate all of your damages. Accepting lowball settlements without consulting your premises negligence lawyer could prevent you from seeking the maximum compensation for your case. 

Were You Injured in a Slip-and-Fall Accident in Georgia? Contact an Attorney at The Foster Firm Today 

If you were injured on someone’s premises, call The Foster Firm today at (404) 955-8910 to speak with a Georgia slip-and-fall attorney.