What Are Some Common Causes Of Rideshare Accidents?
I absolutely love ride shares. I use rideshare at home and here in Atlanta. I also use ride shares when I’m traveling, even internationally. However, the standards for who the driver is are very simple. You have to be a certain age in Georgia; it’s 25, and you have to have a driver’s license. I’ve even been in the passenger seat in the back of a rideshare when the driver was talking to me and looking over his shoulder at me. I’ve been in the car when they are looking at their navigation and getting lost and confused.
I say that to say sometimes, the drivers are not doing the best job; they’re not the best drivers. You’ve got to be careful. The most common, I would say, in addition to it being someone else’s fault, is a rideshare driver being distracted and causing an accident in the event that happens to you. If you’ve been injured in a rideshare accident or any other type of personal injury, please call us at 404-559-8325 or visit our website at https://www.thefosterfirmwins.com to request a consultation or information about your personal injury claim.