December 11, 2019

Holiday Shopping Safety Tips

Shopping is a big part of the holiday season. It can be fun, rewarding, and exciting, but it can also be dangerous. Safety should always be a priority when holiday shopping. Below are some holiday shopping safety tips that may help you stay safe this holiday season.

Never Shop Alone

When it comes to safety, there is indeed power in numbers. There may be times when it is more convenient to shop alone, but that may cause you to be perceived as an easy target. Shopping in pairs or a small group can make you a less attractive target to potential criminals who may be looking for vulnerable shoppers to attack or rob.

Shop During The Day

Since many people work during the day, evening, or night time shopping may be an attractive option. Still, the light of day can be a great safety advantage. The cover of night is often a shield many criminals depend upon. Dark parking lots can be a prime target area for many criminals during the holidays.

Park Close To The Door

Parking near the door can be extremely challenging, but it is worth the effort to try. The lower your visibility, the more vulnerable you become. Having all the eyes on you from the other shoppers going in and out of the store or mall can definitely add a layer of safety for you.

Stay Alert

Pay attention to your surroundings. It is so easy to become distracted while you are shopping, but it is important to be watchful of those around you. Take note if someone seems to be watching you, following you, or bumping into you.

Don’t Carry A Lot of Cash

Showcasing large amounts of cash in your wallet or purse can be a very bad idea and may attract the wrong type of attention. If possible, carry minimal cash and pay for your holiday purchases with credit cards.

What To Do If You Are The Victim of A Crime While Holiday Shopping

If you do become the victim of a crime while holiday shopping, you need to immediately take action. Try to get to safety and promptly call law enforcement to report the crime. Give as many details as you can, and take pictures of the scene if you are able to. You should also contact an injury attorney. There may be legal recourse you can take. Many times lack of security and/or poor lighting may have contributed to the situation. The legal team at The Foster Firm helps victims of crimes in Metro Atlanta and the College Park area. Contact us to learn more or for a free consultation.