October 24, 2024

Can I File a Personal Injury Claim for Injuries Sustained at a Sporting Event? Our Personal Injury Lawyer Provides Advice

When attending a sporting event, you’re there to enjoy yourself and root for the home team. You probably don’t give a second thought to ending up in an accident. However, you could end up with injuries through no fault of your own. You may need the help of a personal injury lawyer to seek a financial award for injury compensation from a sporting event organizer or similar party.

Situations That Help Your Personal Injury Claim at a Sporting Event

Even though you have some risks in attending a sporting event, you expect a reasonably safe environment. Those hosting or putting on the sporting event need to take steps to keep people safe. 

If the sporting event organizers fail to provide adequate security at a game and someone assaults you, you may be able to show negligence on the part of the organizers. Your personal injury lawyers may suggest that if the organizers had hired more security, you would’ve been safe from the assault.

If the facility puts off maintenance work, you could encounter a dangerous environment, leading to a trip-and-fall accident. Perhaps the parking lot doesn’t have adequate lighting, so you could not see a raised piece of concrete. Maybe a railing that leads to your bleacher seats is loose, causing you to fall when you lean on it. These are potential signs of negligence.

Aspects of Sporting Events That Make Your Personal Injury Claim More Complicated

Georgia law specifies that some events have an assumption of risk for attendees and participants. Sporting events often fit this aspect of the law. If you suffer injuries from normal activities that are part of the event, such as being struck by a foul ball at a baseball game, it may be more difficult to win a personal injury claim.

Many types of sporting events require you to sign a waiver before you can participate. When you purchase a ticket to a sporting event, it may list a waiver of liability. You may believe this waiver means you forfeit your ability to seek an injury claim. Certainly, waivers could limit your options.

However, waivers like this are not always legally binding. Some waivers protect the organization from injury accidents that do not involve negligence. If your personal injury lawyers can show that your accident was preventable, your chance of winning a claim may increase, even with a waiver.

We Do a Thorough Investigation of Your Accident Case

If you suffer injuries at a sporting event, you may have the right to seek a personal injury claim. However, winning that claim requires you to show negligent actions and fault on the part of another party or person. Your accident attorney can advise you on your chances of winning your lawsuit or a claim settlement.

When you hire The Foster Firm for legal representation, we investigate the case and seek facts that show you did nothing wrong. Our personal injury law firm is ready to start working on your case immediately. Because we operate on a contingency fee basis, paying for our lawyers in a personal injury case is easier than using a retainer fee.Our success experience and track record are key factors in choosing our personal injury lawyers. We can even represent you as wrongful death lawyers if your loved one died from injuries suffered at a sporting event. For a free consultation to learn more about your rights, call us today at 678-2-INJURY.